Saturday, October 13, 2012

Preparing for that Religious Retreat

In our busy world, technology advancement, modern technology, new adventures our quest of having religious retreats or spiritual retreats is a popular request for most of us today. Retreats serves us our way back to our inner most self, finding our way back from the chaos and struggles that everyday life has to offer and most of the times lead us on a different way.

Here are some ways on how to be prepared on your journey back to your spiritual being:

1. Take things off unhealthy. This may mean not to use caffeine, sugar and eat processed food before taking part of a retreat. Eating junk foods takes off from your body the energy making you sluggish and much more bloated. When you eat healthy foods or do a healthy diet you will become alert and focus for your retreat.

2. Do some preparations like a few minutes for yourself for prayer if not meditation. When you do this daily it will instill discipline and that is needed for you to grow spiritually. Also this will provide insight of the best prayer work suited for you at times of solitude.

3. Take a few minutes every day to reflect. If in any cases that prayer and if not meditation cannot be done then try doing some simple walks when coming home and just sit in a bench or chair for a few minutes not doing anything. Doing this kind of acts allows you to slow down your pace especially preparing yourself of your retreat.

4. Read on. Bring some books, inspirational stuff, prayers that may help you with time when at times you are left like starring in the wall and got nothing to do.

5. Use some journal or notebook for record. It is always refreshing to jot down your experience, feelings of the retreat you are doing. Especially if you get to have a spiritual retreat Hawaii on which you will not only be calm of the thought being in a retreat but also because of a soothing feeling that the place of Hawaii brings. Entering on your journal will make it a delightful experience.

6. Do not bring along laptop, mobile phone,ipod...This will only distract and loose your focus on the retreat you are doing. If you can't leave without being in contact with your family then tell them that will contact them if anything goes wrong.  

1 comment:

  1. They may experience some kind of spiritual or religious high. But deep inside them nothing has really happened. This article discusses how you can make use of spiritual retreats so that you can experience a spiritual awakening.

    Ilchi Lee
